Rust Never Sleeps

I opened my back door to find two parcels on the doorstep. At first I thought perhaps Amazon had wrongly delivered someone else’s Packages to me, A fairly regular occurrence. But a look at the address labels informed me that they were indeed intended for Pam Brown. I stooped to pick one up only to find it was pretty heavy, so I rolled them both in through the door.

It was several hours before I got to open them, but eventually it was time to tackle the sticky tape. I leave it to the reader’s imagination what appeared on my face once I saw the contents. It was printed copies of my ‘Rust Never Sleeps’ book. It was even better than I’d imagined even though I had a hand in the cover design. They looked as if they would literally be jumping off the bookstore shelves.

Gradually I transferred said books upstairs to my workroom and placed them on the bench which is usually occupied by an ongoing series of digital prints. I’ve lost track of how many series there now are but more than earlier years, when more of my time was devoted to steel or iron sculpture. Having got the books on the bench alongside all the sundry items I took the attached photo.

So right here I would like to record my grateful and sincere thanks to Austin Macauley.

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