Book Trailer

The Book Trailer Austin Macaulay designed and launched is very nearly what I would have done myself. The point is they kept it simple and the choice of black background was exactly the correct decision. Until now, I’ve kept a pretty low internet profile, but it seems Austin Macauley have other ideas when it comes to publicizing. I reckon that’s alright be me just as long as I don’t have to enter into a lengthy correspondence with someone. I value my solitary environment. Right now I am deleting some material from the current novel. It was beginning to run too long So D.S. Farrell had to go. Pity because I liked the guy, odd as he was. There’s also a long passage relating to the history of churches in my area. I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that may be interesting to me, but could be irritating for the reader because it’s not directly related to the story line. But after all novel writing endows the writer with the opportunity to delve into all sorts of interesting, possible material. And the current project is no exception. Still, although a non-believer, I want twice to one local church and this will remain because it is essential to the storyline.

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